Marin Zen Meditation

San Rafael
United States

Marin Zen Meditation practices Soto Zen and is a sangha within the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi of San Francisco Zen Center. The sangha warmly welcomes all to come and join for Meditation, Dharma Study. Monday evenings. 6:45-8:30 p.m. The group is located at the Dominican University’s, Saint Catherine Benincasa Chapel in the Edgehill Mansion.

Soto Zen
Type of Place

About the Place

and its People

Marin Zen Meditation practices Soto Zen and is a sangha within the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi of San Francisco Zen Center. The sangha warmly welcomes all to come and join for Meditation, Dharma Study. Monday evenings. 6:45-8:30 p.m. The group is located at the Dominican University’s, Saint Catherine Benincasa Chapel in the Edgehill Mansion.

Soto Zen

the Path

Sōtō Zen Buddhism is a Japanese school of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition that emphasizes seated meditation and non-conceptual thinking. Popularized by Dogen in the 11th Century, the Sōtō Zen tradition has since grown to attract people practitioners from across the world. Today, Sōtō Zen represents one of the largest unified Buddhist sect, with over 14,000 temples worldwide. In the US, Sōtō meditation centers can be found in most major metropolitan areas.

Sōtō is distinguished from the other major Zen schools, Rinzai and Obaku, by its focus on just-sitting, or shikan taza. Essentially, this approach emphasizes zazen as the key act of samadhi (enlightenment), as opposed to the other schools, which offer supplementary methods like koans as potential routes to the dissipation of the ego.

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Soto Zen
Type of Place

the Place

and its People

Soto Zen

the Path

Sōtō Zen Buddhism is a Japanese school of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition that emphasizes seated meditation and non-conceptual thinking. Popularized by Dogen in the 11th Century, the Sōtō Zen tradition has since grown to attract people practitioners from across the world. Today, Sōtō Zen represents one of the largest unified Buddhist sect, with over 14,000 temples worldwide. In the US, Sōtō meditation centers can be found in most major metropolitan areas.

Sōtō is distinguished from the other major Zen schools, Rinzai and Obaku, by its focus on just-sitting, or shikan taza. Essentially, this approach emphasizes zazen as the key act of samadhi (enlightenment), as opposed to the other schools, which offer supplementary methods like koans as potential routes to the dissipation of the ego.

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75 Magnolia Ave
San Rafael
CA 94901
United States
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Marin Zen Meditation

San Rafael
United States

Marin Zen Meditation practices Soto Zen and is a sangha within the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi of San Francisco Zen Center. The sangha warmly welcomes all to come and join for Meditation, Dharma Study. Monday evenings. 6:45-8:30 p.m. The group is located at the Dominican University’s, Saint Catherine Benincasa Chapel in the Edgehill Mansion.

Tradition & Practice
Soto Zen
Kind of Place