the Organization

Mountains and Rivers Order

The Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) is a Zen Buddhist organization that is based on the teachings and practices of the Soto Zen tradition. The organization was founded by John Daido Loori Roshi (1931-2009), a Zen master and teacher who was trained in the tradition of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. Loori Roshi established the MRO in the 1980s and it has since become a leading Zen organization in the United States.

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About the Organization

The MRO is a spiritual path that emphasizes the importance of cultivating mindfulness and compassion through the practice of Zen meditation and other spiritual practices. The organization offers a variety of programs, including meditation retreats, workshops, and teacher training programs, and publishes books and other materials related to its teachings and spiritual development. The MRO is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds, and its teachings are designed to be applicable to people of any religion or spiritual tradition. The organization emphasizes the importance of integrating Zen practice into daily life and of cultivating a compassionate and awakened society.

The Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) is a Zen Buddhist organization that is based on the teachings and practices of the Soto Zen tradition. The organization was founded by John Daido Loori Roshi (1931-2009), a Zen master and teacher who was trained in the tradition of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. Loori Roshi established the MRO in the 1980s and it has since become a leading Zen organization in the United States.

The MRO is a spiritual path that emphasizes the importance of cultivating mindfulness and compassion through the practice of Zen meditation and other spiritual practices. The organization offers a variety of programs, including meditation retreats, workshops, and teacher training programs, and publishes books and other materials related to its teachings and spiritual development. The MRO is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds, and its teachings are designed to be applicable to people of any religion or spiritual tradition. The organization emphasizes the importance of integrating Zen practice into daily life and of cultivating a compassionate and awakened society.

The MRO has centers and affiliated groups around the United States, and its teachings are also available online through its website and other platforms. The organization offers a variety of programs, including meditation retreats, workshops, and teacher training programs. The MRO also has local practice groups that meet regularly to practice Zen meditation and other spiritual practices. These groups are typically led by ordained monks or nuns, or by experienced lay practitioners who have completed teacher training programs or have been practicing for many years. Practice groups provide a supportive community for individuals to connect with others who are interested in spiritual growth and development.

Overall, the centers and practice groups of the MRO provide a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals to learn about and practice Zen Buddhism and to connect with others who are interested in similar goals.

the Path of

Soto Zen

Sōtō Zen Buddhism is a Japanese school of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition that emphasizes seated meditation and non-conceptual thinking. Popularized by Dogen in the 11th Century, the Sōtō Zen tradition has since grown to attract people practitioners from across the world. Today, Sōtō Zen represents one of the largest unified Buddhist sect, with over 14,000 temples worldwide. In the US, Sōtō meditation centers can be found in most major metropolitan areas.

Sōtō is distinguished from the other major Zen schools, Rinzai and Obaku, by its focus on just-sitting, or shikan taza. Essentially, this approach emphasizes zazen as the key act of samadhi (enlightenment), as opposed to the other schools, which offer supplementary methods like koans as potential routes to the dissipation of the ego.

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this is the

Origin and History

The Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) is a Zen Buddhist organization that was founded by John Daido Loori Roshi (1931-2009). Loori Roshi was a Zen master and teacher who was trained in the Soto Zen tradition and received dharma transmission from his teacher, Taizan Maezumi Roshi. Loori Roshi established the MRO in the 1980s and it has since become a leading Zen organization in the United States.

Loori Roshi was considered to be a highly qualified teacher within the Zen tradition, and his teachings were based on the Soto Zen lineage. After his death in 2009, the MRO was led by a line of spiritual directors who were chosen by him.

The teachers within the MRO are ordained monks and nuns who have received traditional monastic training within the organization. They have studied and practiced the teachings of Loori Roshi and other MRO masters, and are considered to be highly qualified teachers within the tradition. The teachers within the MRO are committed to preserving and sharing the teachings of the organization and to helping individuals understand and experience the nature of the self and cultivate inner peace and well-being.

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the Centers and Groups

The Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) has centers and affiliated groups around the United States. These centers and groups offer a variety of programs and events, including meditation retreats, workshops, and teacher training programs. They also host lectures and other events related to Zen Buddhism and spiritual development.

The MRO centers and affiliated groups are typically located in urban areas and are open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. They provide a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals to learn about and practice Zen Buddhism and to connect with others who are interested in similar goals.

In addition to the centers, the MRO also has local practice groups that meet regularly to practice Zen meditation and other spiritual practices. These groups are typically led by ordained monks or nuns, or by experienced lay practitioners who have completed teacher training programs or have been practicing for many years. Practice groups provide a supportive community for individuals to connect with others who are interested in spiritual growth and development.

Overall, the centers and practice groups of the MRO provide a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals to learn about and practice Zen Buddhism and to connect with others who are interested in similar goals.

here are the places of the

Mountains and Rivers Order

Below you will find the places around the world, that practice this path.